Still a lot of stickers to go, but so much fuller than the end of May! Even the writing part is filling up!

And the turtles were joined by bugs.
Still a lot of stickers to go, but so much fuller than the end of May! Even the writing part is filling up!
And the turtles were joined by bugs.
Look how far I made it
Better today
No arms today!
Dolphin kick (he's better at it w/0 the boogie board)
I actually had one of the mom's ask why would I have him in 3 swimming lesson sessions this summer. She commented heavily on that it's SO much money. (not thinking that her having 3 kids in 1 session is the same amount, and that it's not her money that's paying for him)But she also commented on how she just dreads this because it takes so_much_time. They were in at 8:00am. Nothing is open. What else are you going to be doing? Why not be here?
Now look at what he learned today. WOOHOO!
(4 short videos but big AMAZING progress!)
Just a noodle? Never without a life jacket before!
What he does at the end sets up for the next one
Yes! Twice!
And a third!
Last year, going off the diving board even with a life jacket on was next to impossible to get him to do. He got better this winter as we went more. And to think that last year (last week!) he wouldn't even go near the deep end without a life jacket. Now he's jumping and swimming in the deep end with no help! This is only his 2nd session. And this is exactly why I put him in 3.
His teacher is Drew's friend from high school
He did better on his first swim across the pool but I didn't have the camera ready. He is a little tired on this trip.
Can't get the concept of no arms quite yet
Better this time!
Not quite comfortable
The penguin dive/no help
Grandpa Jenkins and Tanner at Grandpa's Utah house 5-8-2009
From all of us. What could it be? The big red one is HEAVY!
YEAH!!! Just what he's been asking for forever!
And I even thought to get him a carry bag for it.
He has not only wanted this for camping, but because of my back, he does the canning in the family. He is sooooo excited to have it for that. We hate cleaning up the mess in the kitchen and this will help tons with that!
They made a point of showing me what it says on the box. They think this means I have to go camping. I don't know. I've never been in my life yet.
Happy Father's Day to the 3 Father's in our life!
Tanner's new bed (need to get the headboard/footboard)
And it's a pillow top...comfy!
Wall of posters from Wynn's (daddy's) work
Still need to make him new curtains
Before pillows
After pillows
Before curtains
After curtains
One side of Morgan's room
What a difference the finishing touches make
Her matching lamp
Now I can't wait to get to Tanner's curtains, the office and my room. What a difference those last little touches make.
Pictures when we first arrived:
Moroni atop the Newport Beach Temple
Us in the back gardens of the Temple
The fountains in the back gardens of the Temple
Pictures as we were leaving:
Front side of the Temple
View from the parking lot
Probably my favorite picture of the whole vacation!
As I was going through the pictures of the Temple to decide which ones use for this blog, I had so many I had a hard time choosing. I have decided to just put a few here and will do a whole blog later with just the pictures of the Temple.
After the Temple we went to Los Brisas on Laguna Beach. We sat on the patio, like Tawnya suggested. Wynn got the Grilled Ahi Burger and I got the Sea Bass Crevaste. They were both super delicious! We got the waiter to take a picture of us. And Tawnya was right.....you can't beat the view from the patio. I just couldn't get a decent picture, so you'll have to take my work for it.
View from the patio
Dinner on the patio. Oh YUM!
One of the Young Single Adult men we were in the Temple with caught Wynn before we left and told him that after Los Brisos we had to go down to Treasure Island Park. They have a walk way that is all lit up at night, AND they light up the water. It was beautiful. I'm so glad we went even though I was getting cold again. I did get some pictures though they didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. On my cameras night setting, I just have to aim and shoot and hold until done. I can't really see what I'm taking a picture of until it's taken. They turned out ok, I think, but still not as beautiful as it was.
Treasure Island Park Plaque at the beginning of the path
The waves crashing on the rocks. Lights under the water.
The lights under the water
The benches along the pathway
So adding to my list of saving up for a laptop, I add saving up for a nicer camera....one with a battery pack instead of batteries that run out after a few pictures!
Sushi.......don't like so much
When we got back from lunch the maid hadn't come yet, so I headed to the computer to check messages, update and look up directions to a couple places we want to go. Went back to the room and finished my book. It hasn't taken me that long to read a book in a long time. Maybe it was that I didn't actually get to read all day. Interruptions like lunch, dinner, sight seeing...
For dinner today we decided to stay more local. We went to Laguna Hills to the Laguna Hills Mall. Our friend from the plane is the manager at the Rubio's Mexican Grill there. He is moving though and going to be the Manager at the Rubio's in AF. We exchanged emails and plan on getting together once they are settled. We had 2 fish tacos and 2 gourmet tacos--1 shrimp and one steak, with chips and beans on the side. It was delicious! Thanks Jeff for helping us pick. It made me forget all about the lunch we couldn't eat. Then we went to cinnabon, 1 regular and 1 pecan carmel and 1 tropical drink I can't remember. There is a reason I don't eat these things. I see extra time on the treadmill and elliptical for that one, since I had a hot chocolate when I got back to hotel too. I may have to be checked as cargo on the way home!
Nice rules
I took this one for Drew!
Our new friend from the plane! He was such a great help.
I did do a little shopping, but there really haven't been stores that I don't have at home. It's no longer like it used to be when you went on vacation and found those things you couldn't find at home. I think the internet has made it a much smaller world.
My cute sandals!
Wynn actually went out to the hot tub tonight. I personally don't see any appeal in getting in water outside when it is only 63* and then having to get out in the wind, no thank you. I was freezing already. The computer room temperature was much more to my liking.
Soup and 1/2 Salad
Fish and Chips
Driving to the Ferry on Balboa Island to go to Balboa Peninsula
View from the Ferry on the way over to the Peninsula
On Balboa Peninsula
Going to the beach
On the beach
Some of the condos.
Getting the Balboa Bars. Mmmmmm!
I forgot to get a picture of the actual Bars!!!