Sunday, January 18, 2009


Gary & I both got sustained for callings today. I was the Primary secretary until, well, quite a few months ago actually. They did ask me a couple of months ago to do something else, but with everything going on, after speaking with me, they didn't feel it was the right time, & neither did I. So they decided to leave me alone for a while, until last week....

They felt that this calling would be good for all involved. I felt really good about it & where it is a Sunday only calling, I can do it. I only have to teach every other week because.....Gary & I are team teachers for the 14-15 year old Sunday School class!!! Yes, that means Morgan is in this class. It will only be for a few months until he leaves on his mission, but it will be great while he's here. We are so excited to get to do this together & Morgan thinks it will be fun to have us in there. The kids that are in this class are great kids. I'm thinking this is going to be, well, GREAT!!!


Unknown said...

now the kids might behave better than they were before because they know that they will get in trouble. my class should be the sixteen-year-old class instead becuase we are all turning sixteen this year. but oh well. it will be fun anyway.

Jaime said...

I always enjoyed Sunday School callings because I could still go to Relief Society!

Amy said...

I'm pretty sure teaching callings are the best there are!