Tuesday, March 31, 2009
In like a lion, out like a
Working as a reading aide at Tanners' elementary school, I work with 2nd graders and kindergartners. The second graders come to us in the reading room where they are grouped with others at the same level. I do that with 2 different groups for 1/2 hour each. It is nice and toasty warm in that room. Almost too warm for the way we are dressed for the day, where, even though there are windows, you can forget the blizzard and cold outside while focusing on the kids. Then I work with the kindergartners for an hour, which means we go to their rooms. It is cold there. We wear sweaters or jackets and are too warm in the reading room for this very reason. Then we go back to the warm reading room for a 45 minute break, then kindergarten for another hour. I think this has contributed to our, the reading aides, colds throughout the year.
Today I was fine, until that last hour of kindergarten. In the first 1/2 hour I started getting really cold. I looked outside and noticed it was darker and really snowing. I figured that was why I was getting really cold. We moved rooms and were in the last 1/2 hour of the day. I was teaching the lesson when all of a sudden I felt very sick. I thought I was going to have to run for the bathroom. I told the kids I wasn't feeling well and needed them to really pay attention and focus. They were so good about it and I made it the last 10 minutes okay. I went to the reading room, got the kindergarten stuff switched for the next day (it takes only 2 minutes because I have it pulled a week in advance) and left for home. Though I'm not feeling quite as nauseous, I decided maybe I just needed to eat lunch, I am still freezing. My bones feel like ice. I am starting to get queasy again and I think I am going to go downstairs, curl up in a nice warm blanket or quilt with a heating pad, and watch something mindless on tv or the dvr. I really don't feel well.
I think I am going to blame it on the disappointment of March leaving like a lion instead of a lamb. I was really looking forward to the lamb. I guess I'll be grateful for the water this summer. But for now, I'm going downstairs.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Trials of Aging
The doctor checked her out and ran some tests, then he scheduled for her to go to a bunch of specialists last Tuesday, March 17th, her birthday! Here is an email from Wynn's sister Maridene sent Wednesday March 18th. It can explain what they found out that day much better than I could.
I didn't know if Sirena called or emailed either of you about mom's doctor appointments yesterday so I wanted to update you on the latest.We took mom to doctors all day yesterday and this is what we found out:
First of all, she is getting a pacemaker on Tuesday. Her heart rate was as low as 36 bpm during part of her test. She will stay in the hospital overnight but it doesn't seem like a big deal. She will be awake during the procedure.
Next, they are sending us to a dermatologist to remove cancer cells from her neck where she had a 'fingernail' growing out of it. Only 10 percent are cancerous and she was one of the lucky ones.
She has polymyalgia rheumatica which is a muscle disease. It is treated with prednisone which has a number of side affects. She will have to be on it for about a year and a half. They will do blood work often to keep an eye on everything that is going on. I am just glad they found out what has been causing her so much pain for so long. I wonder how long she has really had it.
The kidney specialist gave us a paper that says she has 'chronic kidney disease, stage 1V' (severe). He said her kidneys are only functioning at 25 percent. She is having an ultra-sound on Friday and also blood work.We will try to keep you informed on what is happening.
We will try to keep you informed on everything that we find out. She seems to be doing much better since they started her on the medication.I am just glad they found out what has been causing her so much pain for so long. I just wonder how long she has had it. I wish Trudy could be so lucky.
So Elaine gets a pacemaker today. We pray for all to go well.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Did you not get the memo?
Oh the blood!

Oh the agony!
Cleaning it out.

The stitching
Four stitches later! They had to sew it to her fingernail on the corner!
(nice picture, huh?)
She had to take today off since she can't hold the hair to cut it with that monstrosity of a bandage!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Birthday on St. Patricks Day
Friday, March 13, 2009
Tannerisms #4
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I Hope They Call Me On A Mission!
I immediately texted him that it was here!
Then we had to wait, knowing that it was right there. Just setting there on the table in that big white envelope. But Drew is on her Mexican cruise from last Saturday to this coming Saturday. She was very upset that she would probably be gone when his call came, so they arranged that he would open it at 6:30pm our time. (Today just 'happens' to be the day they are on land in Puerto Vallarta until 10:30pm so that she could call. Coincidence? I think not.) That way everyone would be home from work and she could call so she could 'be here'. Anybody that has been through this knows how agonizing that wait is!
At 6:30 the phone rang. He let it ring a couple of times to make sure it wouldn't disconnect. He answered, Lexie put it on speaker phone, and he ripped it open.
He enters the Provo, Utah MTC (Missionary Training Center) May 27, 2009. Just 4 days after his 19th birthday.
And yes, for those who know, my parents live in Tyrone, NM on the western border of New Mexico. The western border of his mission, if you can't tell from the picture, goes to just east of Alamagordo,NM. Just a few short hours from Tyrone. No, they can't go see him and there is no way to know where he'll serve, but he'll be oh so close. And his cousin, Brad Eldredge, and his family live just a couple hours south of the southern border in Houston, TX. Hmmmmm.
He is very excited that he is going to the BEST MISSION IN THE WORLD! HIS!

I guess he'll be coming home with a Texas drawl instead of the Wyoming one he has now!!!
Monday, March 09, 2009
Lexie update
On a good note for Morgan...We had Stake Conference this weekend. When President Jensen saw Lexie yesterday, he asked her what happened. She told him, and when he got to Morgan, she told him as well. He looked at her and told her, with a little grin, that she was forgiven. She already knew this, but I think it helped her to hear it from him.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
I'm trying to remember that 'This too shall pass'
In our house, if you get a chance to really scare someone, you take it. Lexie and Morgans rooms are next to each other, and when Lexie was leaving her room she heard Morgan leaving hers, so she waited and scared the daylights out of Morgan. Well, Morgan was not in the mood for it, so she pushed Lexie. Of course Lexie fell and hurt her wrist. (at least it was her left wrist) Needless to say, Morgan feels HORRIBLE about it and never meant for her to fall. She has been doing all of Lexie's chores for her without being told, all week. She isn't like that, so she is devastated!
It was still hurting Monday morning, so I got a sub and took Lexie to see Dr Isaacson. Naturally we were sent for xrays, just as I knew we would. Naturally the radioligist didn' t see anything on them, just as I figured he wouldn't. We have been wrapping it since then and she is taking ibuprofen and icing it. The pain is getting worse instead of better. Drew went in to see him yesterday for a sore throat and told him this for me. He had us call him at home. So we went and got a splint for it today. Naturally if it is still hurting come Monday, we get to go in for more xrays, just as I knew he would say. I have been through this enough times with my kids, none of this surprises me. (the broken part, not the pushing part)I'm pretty sure we'll be back in for more xrays come Monday. In fact I'll be surprised if we're not. We have been to the doctor more since Christmas than we have in the last 3-4 years or more!
And of course soccer starts in a matter of just a few weeks! This too shall pass, right?